Registration Policy and Procedures


The purpose of this policy is to set out the registration requirements and procedures for all students at Columbia College.


This policy applies to all students at Columbia College.


Traditional Campus Registration Policy

A student who registers in a class on the traditional campus has all other semester hours registered during that 16 week period classified as Day semester hours, regardless of the Program (evening, online or nationwide) in which the semester hours are taken. All hours, regardless of course venue, are charged at the traditional campus rate for the total hours registered. Students are required to abide by the curriculum requirements, including course prerequisites, semester hour(s), upper-level/lower-level status, content, etc., based on the current academic year’s catalog.

Students register for courses prior to the beginning of each semester. If they are unable to register during the regular period, they may register late, upon payment of a late-registration fee. No registration is accepted after the first week of classes.

Columbia College policy allows day students to enroll for a full-time course load of up to 18 semester hours of credit in any one semester. A semester is defined as the sixteen-week term beginning in August, ending in December or the sixteen-week term beginning in January, ending in April or May. Semester hours are based on the number of hours per week students attend classes. A three semester hour course requires students to go to classes approximately three hours a week for the entire semester. Semester enrollment status is calculated by adding all hours (day, evening and online) for which students are properly registered.

Students are charged an overload fee calculated from their semester enrollment status for hours above the attempted 18 hour maximum. The Dean of the student’s School must approve overloads, which may not exceed three semester hours per semester. Students requesting an overload must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Exceptions to the overload tuition fee are overloads resulting from choir, resident-assistant class for one credit, ROTC and college-sponsored activities. The fee for three hours of overload credit is waived for students with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.75 or higher, only if such students have accumulated at least 30 semester hours from Columbia College.

Registration Processes

Day students must meet with their advisor to choose an appropriate schedule of classes prior to registration. Prerequisites and other eligibility criteria, as listed in the catalog, are required. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites have been met prior to enrolling and if eligibility criteria have not been met, they will be unable to register for the course. Students who are behind in payment for the current or previous term will be blocked from registering until their account is cleared.

Students may register through MyPortal or by visiting the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success located in Missouri Hall. Students without full financial aid are required to set up a payment plan or pay in full at the time of registration. Payment in full or the first deferred payment must be paid by August 1 (Fall semester) or January 1 (Spring semester). Failure to make this payment will result in the student’s schedule and on-campus housing being cancelled.

Cancellation of Registration

Students may cancel registration any time through the close of official registration by submitting a drop/add form to the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success. Once classes have started, students wishing to discontinue enrollment must complete formal withdrawal procedures with the Dean for Student Affairs.

Main Campus Day Students Enrolling in Main Campus Evening, Online or Nationwide Classes

Students enrolled in the Day Program may be eligible to enroll in Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus courses, but only under special circumstances. Day students may enroll at any Columbia College Campus for the summer session without special permission.

Eligibility: Day students requesting permission to enroll in Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus course(s) (during fall or spring) must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Day students enrolling in a minimum of twelve semester hours of traditional day in-seat courses may also take an additional three hours of credit in another Columbia College venue during that semester.
  • Must have an overall minimum GPA of 2.5.
  • Academic departments may impose additional restrictions.
  • First year students in first semester not eligible.

Requirements: Students applying for enrollment in Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus courses may be required to submit written evidence documenting why the course is not and was not available in the daytime. Students requesting permission to take a course other than those offered through the Day Program must complete a Day Student Enrollment for Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus Classes Form and obtain written approval from their advisor, the Department Chair of their major and the Department Chair of the course.

Students paying at the per-hour tuition rate, may not exceed a combined total of 11.9 semester hours during any one term (a 16-week semester, or 8-week session, or a combination of both). If a student wishes to enroll and his or her total number of semester hours exceeds 11.9, then that student must pay the full-time tuition rate. Students enrolled part-time (less than 12 semester hours when all hours, regardless of the class location, are combined) will be charged the appropriate part-time Day tuition rate.

Highest priority for enrollment in Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus courses is accorded students who have completed at least 84 hours toward a degree at Columbia College and who, through no fault of their own, cannot satisfy all graduation requirements during the Day and for whom no other options are available and therefore request to enroll in an Evening, Online or Nationwide Campus course to graduate.

Changes in Registration

Final dates for courses to be added or dropped are listed for each semester on the Academic Calendar.

Adding a Course

Day students may add courses through Wednesday of the first week of the semester. Students can add or drop classes via MyPortal or obtain an add/drop form in the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success. The forms must be returned to the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success before the end of the add period to be registered for the courses. It is recommended that students obtain advisor approval prior to adding or dropping courses. At that time, courses are added to the students’ schedules if class space is available.

Dropping a Course

Day students may drop courses through the first business day of the second week of the semester without financial liability and academic penalty (not applicable to total withdrawal). After the drop period, students are financially and academically liable for all courses. If a student withdraws from school (drops all classes) then he/she may be eligible for pro-rated tuition credit depending on the completion date of the total withdrawal process (see Total Withdrawal, below). Students can drop classes via Portal or obtain a drop form in Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success. It is recommended that students obtain advisor approval prior to adding or dropping courses. At that time, courses are added to the students’ schedules if class space is available.

See the Withdrawal Policy for specific information on withdrawing from Columbia College.

Columbia, MO Evening Program Registration Policy 

Official registration is completed only after submission of a registration form. Students may register using eRegistration through MyPortal or by visiting the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success located in Missouri Hall. Students are required to abide by the curriculum requirements, including course prerequisites, semester hour(s), upper-level/lower-level status, content, etc., based on the current academic year’s catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites have been met prior to enrolling and if eligibility criteria have not been met, they will be unable to register for the course. Registration constitutes an agreement that a student will be held academically and financially liable for the course. Students without full financial aid are required to set up a payment plan or pay in full at the time of registration. Students who are behind in payment for the current or previous term will be blocked from registering until their account is cleared. Prerequisites and other eligibility criteria, as listed in the catalog, are required. Contact personnel at the Evening Campus for details and deadlines of registration.

Columbia College policy allows students enrolled in an accelerated (eight-week session) to enroll for a full-time course load of up to nine (9) hours per eight-week session (18 semester hours of credit in any one semester). This includes courses taken through Main Campus Evening campus. Semester enrollment status is calculated by adding all hours (day, evening, and online) for which students are properly registered.

Long experience in administering accelerated (eight-week academic session) college programs has taught us that it is generally not in the student’s best interest to enroll in more than nine (9) credit hours per session. Due to the fast pace of the course and the reduced time for reading, research, writing and reflection, a student’s academic performance will generally suffer if an overload of credit is attempted.

Students are required to obtain permission to enroll in ten hours or more during an eight-week session. This includes courses taken through Main Campus Evening, Online, and Nationwide Campuses. Only those students close to graduating from Columbia College, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a compelling reason to take a course overload in an eight-week session may apply to their Home Campus director. Students must first visit with their advisor to discuss all available alternative options. If an overload is approved, there will be no overload fee charged.

An overload is approved on a semester basis, allowing students to enroll in either or both eight-week modules during that semester as an overload. However, the overload in the second module is contingent on outcomes (grades) in the first module (poor outcomes may result in a student’s overload approval being revoked). Systematically, this will require an overload be entered for both modules (it cannot be done on a semester basis).

Adding a Course

Evening students may add courses through Wednesday of the first week of the session. Forms are available on MyPortal or in the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success. The forms must be submitted through MyPortal or returned to the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success before the end of the add period for the courses. At that time, courses are added to the students’ schedules if space is available in the class.

Dropping a Course

A student may drop a course or courses during the first week of a session for any reason. No punitive grade or financial liability will be issued PROVIDED the student drops through MyPortal OR an Add/Drop/Withdrawal form is received at the campus prior to close-of-business on the first business day of the second week of the session.

Once enrolled in a class, a student is considered a member of that class until he or she officially drops or withdraws in accordance with institutional policy. A failure to attend class, or advising a fellow student, staff, or adjunct faculty member of an intent to drop from class does not constitute official drop. Requests to drop from a course will not be accepted by telephone. Students are required to personally complete all drop information. Confirmation of receipt is the responsibility of the student. Should circumstances prevent a student from physically completing the drop form, the student should contact their campus immediately.

See the Withdrawal Policy for specific information on withdrawing from Columbia College.

Online and Nationwide Program Registration Policy  

Official registration is completed only after submission of a registration form. eRegistration and assisted registration are available to students. Students are required to abide by the curriculum requirements, including course prerequisites, semester hour(s), upper-level/lower-level status, content, etc., based on the current academic year’s catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites have been met prior to enrolling and if eligibility criteria have not been met, they may be unable to register for the course. Registration constitutes an agreement that a student will be held academically and financially liable for the course. Students without full financial aid are required to set up a payment plan or pay in full at the time of registration.

Students who are behind in payment for the current or previous term will be blocked from registering until their account is cleared. Contact personnel at your extended campus for details and deadlines of registration at each campus.

Columbia College policy allows students enrolled in an accelerated (eight-week session) to enroll for a full-time course load of up to nine (9) hours per eight-week session (18 semester hours of credit in any one semester). This includes courses taken online or at learning venues nationwide. Semester enrollment status is calculated by adding all hours (day, evening, and online) for which students are properly registered.

Long experience in administering accelerated (eight-week academic session) college programs has taught us that it is generally not in the student’s best interest to enroll in more than nine (9) credit hours per session. Due to the fast pace of the course and the reduced time for reading, research, writing and reflection, a student’s academic performance will generally suffer if an overload of credit is attempted.

Students are required to obtain permission to enroll in ten hours or more during an eight-week session. This includes courses taken through Columbia, MO evening program, online program and at venues nationwide. Only those students close to graduating from Columbia College, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a compelling reason to take a course overload in an eight-week session may apply to their Home Campus director. Students must first visit with their advisor to discuss all available alternative options. If an overload is approved, there will be no overload fee charged.

An overload is approved on a semester basis, allowing students to enroll in either or both eight-week modules during that semester as an overload. However, the overload in the second module is contingent on outcomes (grades) in the first module (poor outcomes may result in a student’s overload approval being revoked). Systematically, this will require an overload be entered for both modules (it cannot be done on a semester basis).

Adding a Course

Nationwide and Online students may add courses through Wednesday of the first week of the session. Forms are available on MyPortal or at individual campuses, and must be submitted before the end of the add period for the courses. Registration forms must be submitted through MyPortal or returned to the student’s campus before the end of the add period for the courses. 

Dropping a Course

A student may drop a course or courses during the first week of a session for any reason. No punitive grade or financial liability will be issued PROVIDED the student drops through MyPortal or an Add/Drop form is received at the campus prior to close-of-business on the first business day of the second week of the session.

Once enrolled in a class, a student is considered a member of that class until he or she officially drops or withdraws in accordance with institutional policy. A failure to attend class, or advising a fellow student, staff, or adjunct faculty member of an intent to drop from class does not constitute official drop. Requests to drop from a course will not be accepted by telephone. Students are required to personally complete, sign and date all drop information. Confirmation of receipt is the responsibility of the student. Should circumstances prevent a student from physically completing the drop form, the student should contact their campus immediately.

See the Withdrawal Policy for specific information on withdrawing from Columbia College.

Graduate Registration Policy

Graduate students have the ability to register via the web on MyPortal. Students should log into MyPortal and click on the appropriate registration link. Students may choose an Express Registration format, used when the exact course number and section is known, or the Search and Register for Classes method allowing a search for classes based on specified criteria. This method also allows students to view seat availability.

Either method will place selected section(s) on a preferred sections list where students will complete the registration process. The student may choose to register from this screen immediately or in the future as sections will remain on the preferred section list until the student either removes a section or registers for it. It is important to note that the appearance of a section on this screen does not guarantee eligibility to register for the section or that a seat will be available. Eligibility screening takes place when the student actually registers. Students may return to this screen to complete the registration process by clicking on the Register or Drop Classes link.

If an error message is received during any part of the registration process, please make a note of the contents of the message and contact the appropriate office for assistance. Students may also contact the Office of the Registrar at (573) 875-7526 or (800) 231-2391 ext. 7526 during normal business hours. Students who have trouble logging into MyPortal should call the Help Desk at (573) 875-4357 or (800) 231-2391 ext. 4357.

Students may take a maximum of six graduate credit hours per eight-week session. Students who desire to enroll in more than six graduate hours per session must obtain permission from the Dean of the student’s School. Enrollment status is measured over a 16-week semester and includes all semester credits for that period of time. Enrollment status for graduate students is defined as:

  • Full-time: 6 graduate credit hours per semester.
  • Half-time: 3 - 5.9 graduate credit hours per semester
  • Less than Half-time: Below 3 graduate credit hours per semester.

MAT Post-Baccalaureate students may enroll in up to 18 semester hours of coursework per 16 week semester (not to exceed six hours of graduate coursework in any eight-week session). Students desiring to take a course from a Department outside the one to which they were admitted must obtain permission from the Chair of the Department for that course.

Adding a Course

Main Campus Graduate students may add courses through Wednesday of the first week of the session. Forms are available in the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success or courses may be added online. Courses are added to the student’s schedules if space is available.

Dropping a Course

Graduate students may drop courses without academic record and financial liability through the first business day of the second week of the session. Drop forms are available in the Center for Advising, Retention, and Student Success, or courses may be dropped online. Financial liability is assessed at the completion of the drop period for each session. If students drop a class after the drop period, they are financial liable for the full amount of tuition. No reduction of charges is made for laboratory/course fees, etc.

See the Withdrawal Policy for specific information on withdrawing from Columbia College.

Audit a Course

Students who wish to audit graduate courses must be properly admitted to the graduate program and complete the Course Audit Information and Request Form.

Students may audit a regularly scheduled class for no grade and no credit; however, participation in the course is noted on their official records. Acceptable performance and attendance is defined by all instructors of the course. Audit enrollments do not fulfill requirements for course work for degree completion or financial aid awards.

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