ADA and Section 504 Grievance Policy for Students


The College is committed to non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and equal access. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, (“ADA”) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (“Section 504”), applicable state and local law, and the College’s ADA and Section 504 Policy for Students, the College provides qualified students with disabilities access to institutional programs, activities and services and provides reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services, as appropriate, to ensure equal access to all of the College’s programs and activities. Students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office during the enrollment process, or otherwise as soon as possible, to begin the reasonable accommodation process.


Any College student who believes he or she has been subject to discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of disability, has been retaliated against, believes he or she has been wrongfully denied reasonable accommodation(s) by the College, believes the College failed to provide approved reasonable accommodation(s), or has other disability or accommodation related concerns should follow the steps set forth in this policy.

The College will undertake efforts to keep confidential information obtained during the grievance process set forth in this policy, however the sharing of some information internally at the College with individuals involved who need to know may be necessary to fully investigate a particular grievance. The College prohibits retaliation against individuals who utilize this policy, who participate in the investigative process, or who oppose a discriminatory practice or policy.


This policy applies to all student disability related concerns covered by this policy.


If a student believes he or she was wrongfully denied accommodation(s), believes the final accommodation(s) provided are not reasonable, believes that the approved reasonable accommodation(s) was not provided, or if the student believes for any other reason that unlawful discrimination, harassment or a violation of rights with respect to the granting or implementation of accommodation(s) under the ADA/Section 504, has occurred, should follow the process set forth below.  Other individuals may also submit a concern to the College on behalf of a student pursuant to this policy; however, because of privacy considerations the College may not be able to divulge all information regarding the concern, investigation or outcome to these individuals. During the grievance process set forth below, any accommodations or services that have already been implemented will continue uninterrupted.  

The College will endeavor to complete the investigative process as expeditiously as possible and typically in no longer than thirty (30) days; however, the individual circumstances of each situation will dictate the timing of the entire process.  The College will update the student regarding the status of the process.  Students seeking an accommodation for this policy and process should contact the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office as soon as possible.

Step 1

A student with a concern covered by this policy (described above) may first attempt to resolve it at the informal level.  This is accomplished by the student discussing the concern with the individual with whom the concern arose or with the supervisor of the individual with whom the concern arose, in the event the student is not comfortable discussing it directly with the individual.  The student should also simultaneously inform the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office of the concern.  Many concerns can arise from misunderstandings and can be amicably resolved at this informal level.  Students are not required to engage in this informal resolution and may proceed directly to Step 2 below at any time.  

Step 2

A student with a concern covered by this policy (described above), who does not wish the attempt to resolve the concern at the informal level, or who has attempted unsuccessfully to informally resolve a concern, should contact the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office by phone at 573-875-7626 or via email at to schedule a meeting to discuss the student’s concern as soon as possible after the concern arises.  This is an opportunity for the student to provide all information to the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office that he or she would like considered related to his or her concern.  The student shall provide this information in written form and include his or her desired resolution and outcome. 

The College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office, or designee, will then undertake an investigation into the student’s concern.  During the investigation, all parties will have the opportunity to identify witnesses and provide evidence, documents, and information for consideration and review.  Investigations will be handled discreetly, with information shared only with those individuals who need to know the information in order for there to be a full and fair investigation.

At the conclusion of the investigation, the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office will communicate the determination of the investigation via written notification to the student and the other party (if applicable).  The written notice will include a summary of allegations, findings of fact, and a determination as to whether or not the alleged wrongdoing occurred.

Step 3

If a student is dissatisfied with the determination of the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office, the student may appeal this determination to the Dean for Student Affairs.  Appeals may only be based on the following: (1) there is a substantial likelihood that newly discovered information, not available at the time information was provided during the investigation, would result in a different decision; (2) there was a procedural error significant enough to call the outcome into question; (3) there was a clear error in factual findings; or (4) improper bias or prejudice influenced the outcome of the investigation.

Appeals must be received in writing by the Dean of Student Affairs within ten (10) business days of the date the Student Accessibility Resources Office its determination.  Appeals may be submitted via email to and additional information about this policy and process can be obtained any time by calling the Student Affairs Office at 573-875-7400.  Appeals must contain, at a minimum, an explanation of why the determination is improper and a detailed statement of the basis for the appeal, including the specific facts, circumstances, and arguments in support of the appeal. 

The Dean of Student Affairs will review the (1) information provided by the student for the appeal; (2) investigation and determination of the College’s Student Accessibility Resources Office; and (3) any other additional information that may be relevant to evaluating the matter and reaching a decision.

The Dean for Student Affairs will resolve the appeal and reach a decision within ten (10) business days of receiving the appeal and may take any actions determined to be in the interest of a fair and just decision.  The decision of the Dean for Student Affairs is final and not appealable.  The Dean for Student Affairs shall issue a written notice of the resolution of the appeal to the student and the other party (if applicable), including changes, if any, made to the investigation determination.

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