Student Attendance Policy


The College recognizes the correlation between student attendance and student retention, achievement and success.  Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement.  Accordingly, the College is an attendance-taking institution that requires student attendance in order for students to remain enrolled in a class(es).  The College also requires that instructors take and timely report student attendance. This policy sets forth additional details related to student attendance.


This policy applies to all College students.


Students are required to attend courses and instructors are required to record attendance. Students are responsible for assuring accuracy. It is the students’ responsibility to contact their instructor should they find any discrepancy. Non-attendance may negatively impact a student academically and financially. Course-specific attendance policies are located in course syllabi. Course due dates are based on the Central Time Zone.


Online Courses
For purposes of this policy, attendance in online courses includes:

1. Submitting an academic assignment;
2. Taking or submitting an exam;
3. Participating in or posting by a student in a discussion forum showing participation in an online discussion about an academic matter.

On-site Virtual & In-Seat Courses
For purposes of this policy, attending a class in person where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students.

Virtual Courses
For the purposes of this policy, attending virtually where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students (must be present and visible for the entire class with your video camera turned on when attending virtually).


Students are expected to attend all classes and laboratory periods for which they are enrolled. The instructor defines conditions under which an absence is excused. Under extenuating circumstances, the instructor may also consider additional substantive academic activity for attendance purposes.
Students must inform their instructors if they are going to miss class for a college-sponsored activity. Students are responsible for completing all required coursework as stipulated in their course syllabus for each class provided by the instructor. The instructor is the only individual who determines performance standards, evaluates student achievement and determines if and how student absences are calculated and accommodated. Even though the activity is college sponsored, class work is expected either before or after the activity, depending upon the instructor’s policy.

Instructor Absence

Students are notified if their instructor cannot meet with them during any regularly scheduled class period. If the instructor does not arrive at an appointed class within 15 minutes after the class regularly begins and after a student representative emailed with the class information, students are excused from the class.

Impacts of Non-Attendance

Students are responsible for attending classes and for work missed during an absence for any cause. If absences jeopardize progress in a course, the student’s instructor may submit an Early Alert to the student’s advisor. An instructor may drop such a student from the course; and any drop initiated past the drop date by an instructor for a student’s lack of attendance is recorded on the student’s permanent record with a grade of F or W at the discretion of the instructor. Columbia College reserves the right to drop or withdraw students from courses due to lack of attendance. This information may be reported to various government agencies or as required by law.

Columbia College is an attendance-taking institution. Financial aid is awarded to a student with the expectation that the student attends classes for the period for which the assistance is awarded. Students not attending the courses they enrolled are not eligible for financial aid. If a student does not begin attendance in all of their classes, aid must be recalculated based on actual attendance. Please refer to the Financial Aid section regarding attendance requirements for financial aid purposes. Additional information can be found in the Return of Title IV Funds Policy.

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them— that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.