Historical image of Columbia College students gathering in and around an old convertible car. Proud smiling faces of graduates in full regalia at the commencement ceremony.

Transfer College Credit

Maximize Your Previous College Credits

Start where you left off – Columbia College accepts credit hours from numerous regionally accredited institutions nationwide. Our goal is to get you one step closer to graduation by recognizing the hard work you've already put in. With us, attaining higher education has never been easier!

Transfer Equivalency Portal

An easy-to-use transfer guide that outlines exactly where your credits could fit into your new academic journey. It is updated regularly for accuracy while official equivalencies are determined at evaluation.

Associate to Bachelor's Degree Path

We recognize and accept credit hours from a multitude of regionally accredited institutions across the country, bringing you closer to your graduation by valuing the effort you've already invested in your education.

High School Dual Enrollment (HDE) Credits

Credits you earn through HDE can be applied towards a degree at Columbia College or any other school. With the flexibility to take classes online, virtual or in-seat, you can easily fit your education into your schedule.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credits

At Columbia College, we recognize and reward your hard work in completing International Baccalaureate (IB) coursework. Our course equivalencies and transfer credit awards are tailored to each subject and IB course level.

Get Help Paying For College

Scholarships & Grants Partnerships
The Associate Degree Transfer Grant or other merit-based transfer scholarships with Columbia College can help cover tuition, fees, and other academic expenses. Our exclusive benefits for partnered community colleges and businesses offer a personalized education at a reduced cost to help you achieve your goals.

Start The Transfer Process Today

Columbia College offers a streamlined credit transfer process, empowering you to take the next step toward your goals with confidence and ease. Our Admissions team is here to make sure you take advantage of every opportunity available to get the most out of your transfer credits.


Complete the application for admission. We make it easy to apply!

Start Your Application

Send unofficial transcripts from every college you’ve attended to Admissions@CCIS.edu

Learn More About Sending Transcript

Email Evaluations@ccis.edu to request a precursory review of how your credit will transfer. For a review of how your military experience can translate into credits, email your request to MSC@CCIS.edu


Paying for college on your own is not your only option. Successful college students often qualify for federal financial aid and leverage scholarship opportunities.

View Financial Aid Options

Earn Credit By Completing An Approved Exam Program

By passing an approved exam program, you can demonstrate your proficiency in specific subjects and earn credit for courses that you have not yet taken. This option is perfect for students who want to move through school more quickly or those who want to gain credit for work experience or specialized skills.

If you have completed an AP exam not listed below, or taken an exam outside of the effective time frame, please submit a Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript for evaluation.

Credit will be granted based on ACE-recommended minimum passing score listed on the Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript.

Prior to taking a test, please check with your advisor to ensure the credit will not duplicate with previously-completed coursework as course numbers may have changed.

Minimum score of '3' required to receive credit.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exam

Columbia College Equivalency
(01/01/25 - 03/31/25)

Course Level Designation
2D Art & Design ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
3D Art & Design ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
African American Studies AFAM 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Art History ARTS 111 (3 hrs) MUST be a score of 4 Lower level
Biology BIOL 110 (4 hrs) Lower level
Calculus AB MATH 201 (4 hrs) Lower level
Calculus BC MATH 201 (4 hrs) &
MATH 222 (4 hrs)
Lower level
Chemistry Score of 3 - CHEM 110 (4 hrs)

Score of 4 or 5 - CHEM 110 (3 hrs) & ELEC 144 (5 hrs)
Lower level
Chinese Language & Culture Score of 3 - CHIN 101 (3 hrs), CHIN 144 (5 hrs)

Score of 4 - CHIN 101 (3 hrs), CHIN 102 (3 hrs), CHIN 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 5 - CHIN 101 (3 hrs), CHIN 102 (3 hrs), CHIN 144 (10 hrs)
Lower level
Comparative Government and Politics POSC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Computer Science A CISS 238 (4 hrs) Lower level
Drawing ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
English Language and Composition ENGL 133W (3 hrs) and ENGL 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
English Literature and Composition ENGL 133W (3 hrs) and ENGL 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Environmental Science ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
European History HIST 144 (6 hrs) Lower level
French Language Score of 3 - FREN 101 (3 hrs), GERM 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - FREN 101 (3 hrs), FREN 102 (3 hrs), FREN 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 5 - FREN 101 (3 hrs), FREN 102 (3 hrs), FREN 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
German Language Score of 3 - GERM 101 (3 hrs), GERM 102 (3 hrs), GERM 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 4 - GERM 101 (3 hrs), GERM 102 (3 hrs), GERM 144 (10 hrs)

Score of 5 - GERM 101 (3 hrs), GERM 102 (3 hrs), GERM 144 (14 hrs)
Score of 3 or 4: Lower level

Score of 5: Upper level
Human Geography GEOG 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Italian Language & Culture Score of 3 - ITAL 101 (3 hrs), ITAL 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - ITAL 101 (3 hrs), ITAL 102 (3 hrs), ITAL 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 5 - ITAL 101 (3 hrs), ITAL 102 (3 hrs), ITAL 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
Japanese Language & Culture Score of 3 - JAPA 101 (3 hrs), JAPA 144 (5 hrs)

Score of 4 - JAPA 101 (3 hrs), JAPA 102 (3 hrs), JAPA 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 5 - JAPA 101 (3 hrs), JAPA 102 (3 hrs), JAPA 144 (10 hrs)
Lower level
Latin Score of 3 - LATN 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 4 - LATN 144 (9 hrs)

Score of 5 - LATN 144 (12 hrs)
Lower level
Macroeconomics ECON 293 (3 hrs) Lower level
Microeconomics ECON 294 (3 hrs) Lower level
Music Theory Score of 3 - ELEC 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - ELEC 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
Physics I PHYS 111 (4 hrs)  Lower level
Physics II: Algebra-Based PHYS 112 (4 hrs)  Lower level
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism PHYS 211 (4 hrs) Lower level
Physics C: Mechanics PHYS 211 (4 hrs) Lower level
Psychology PSYC 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Precalculus MATH 180 (4 hrs) Lower level
Research Score of 3 - ELEC 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - ELEC 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
Seminar Score of 3 - ELEC 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - ELEC 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
Spanish Language & Culture Score of 3 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 4 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (3 hrs)

Score of 5 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (6 hrs)
Lower level
Spanish Literature & Culture Score of 3 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 4 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (6 hrs)

Score of 5 - SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), SPAN 144 (6 hrs), SPAN 444 (3 hrs)
Score of 3 or 4: Lower level

Score of 5:Lower level excl. SPAN 444 (Upper level)
Statistics MATH 250 (3 hrs) Lower level
United States Government and Politics ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
United States History HIST 121 (3 hrs) & HIST 122 (3 hrs) Lower level
World History HIST 111 (3 hrs) & HIST 112 (3 hrs) Lower level

If you have completed a CLEP exam not listed below, or taken an exam outside of the effective time frame, please submit a Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript for evaluation.

Credit will granted based on ACE-recommended minimum passing score listed on the Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript.

Prior to taking a test, please check with your advisor to ensure the credit will not duplicate with previously-completed coursework as course numbers may have changed.

College Board's College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Columbia College Equivalency
01/01/25 - 03/31/25
Course Level Designation
American Government POSC 111 (3 hrs) Lower level
American Literature ENGL 241 (3 hrs) Lower level
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature ENGL 210 (3 hrs) Lower level
Biology BIOL 110 (6 hrs) Lower level
Calculus MATH 201 (4 hrs) Lower level
Chemistry CHEM 110 (6 hrs) Lower level
College Algebra MATH 150 (3 hrs) Lower level
College Composition ENGL 133W (3 hrs) & ELEC 144 [1] (3 hrs) Lower level
College Composition Modular ENGL 107 [2] (3 hrs) Lower level
College Mathematics MATH 1CMR (3 hrs) Lower level
English Literature  ENGL 231 (6 hrs) Lower level
Financial Accounting ACCT 280 (3 hrs) Lower level
French Language Level 1: FREN 101 (3 hrs) & FREN 102 (3 hrs)

Level 2: FREN 101 (3 hrs), FREN 102 (3 hrs), & FREN 144 (3 hrs)
Lower level
German Language Level 1: GERM 101 (3 hrs) & GERM 102 (3 hrs)

Level 2: GERM 101 (3 hrs), GERM 102 (3 hrs), & GERM 144 (3 hrs)
Lower level
History of United States I: Early Colonization to 1877 HIST 121 (3 hrs) Lower level
History of United States II: 1865 to the Present HIST 122 (3 hrs) Lower level
Human Growth and Development PSYC 330 (3 hrs) Lower level
Humanities ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Information Systems CISS 170 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to Educational Psychology PSYC/EDUC 230 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introductory Business Law MGMT 265 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introductory Psychology PSYC 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introductory Sociology SOCI 111 (3 hrs) Lower level
Natural Sciences CHEM/PHYS 108 (3 hrs) & BIOL 108 (3 hrs) Lower level
Precalculus MATH 180 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 293 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Management MGMT 230 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Marketing MKTG 210 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 294 (3 hrs) Lower level
Social Sciences and History HIST 144 (3 hrs) & ELEC 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Spanish Language Level 1: SPAN 101 (3 hrs) & SPAN 102 (3 hrs)

Level 2: SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), & SPAN 103 (3 hrs)
Lower level
Spanish with Writing Level 1: SPAN 101 (3 hrs) & SPAN 102 (3 hrs)

Level 2: SPAN 101 (3 hrs), SPAN 102 (3 hrs), SPAN 103 (3 hrs), & SPAN 104 (3 hrs)
Lower level
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIST 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present HIST 144 (3 hrs) Lower level

1 Free electives allow your college credit to be transferred without needing to be a directly equivalent course. Course codes using 144 indicate lower level free electives. Course codes using 444 indicate upper level free electives.
2 ENGL 107 is not general education and does not fulfill the ENGL 133W degree requirement.

The minimum scores reflected here are equivalent to a grade of B.

CLEP Exam Columbia College Equivalency  Credit hours Minimum score
Financial Accounting ACCT 280 3 65
Principles of Management MGMT 230 3 LL 63
Principles of Marketing MKTG 210 3 LL 65

If you have completed a DSST exam not listed below, or taken an exam outside of the effective time frame, please submit a Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript for evaluation.

Credit will be granted based on ACE-recommended minimum passing score listed on the Prometric Designated Institution Report or JST transcript.

Prior to taking a test, please check with your advisor to ensure the credit will not duplicate with previously-completed coursework as course numbers may have changed.

DSST by Prometric (DSST) Columbia College Equivalency 01/01/25 - 03/31/25 Course Level Designation
A History of Vietnam War (DSST 473) HIST 318 (3 hrs) Lower level
Art of Western World (DSST 461) ARTS 112 (3 hrs) Lower level
Astronomy (DSST 500) ASTR 108 (3 hrs) Lower level
Business Ethics and Society (DSST 475) MGMT 368 (3 hrs) Lower level
Business Mathematics (DSST 812) MGMT 152 (3 hrs) Lower level
Criminal Justice (DSST 498) CJAD 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Computing and Information Technology (DSST 536) CISS 170 (3 hrs) Lower level
Environmental Science (DSST 511) ELEC 1441 (3 hrs) Lower level
Ethics in America (DSST 474) PHIL 330 (3 hrs) Lower level
Ethics in Technology (DSST 302) ELEC 1441 (3 hrs) Lower level
Foundations of Education (DSST 489) EDUC 200 (3 hrs) Lower level
Fundamentals of College Algebra (DSST 424) MATH 106 (3 hrs) Lower level
Fundamentals of Counseling (DSST 562) PSYC 444 (3 hrs) Upper level
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity (DSST 013) CISS 391 (3 hrs) Lower level
General Anthropology (DSST 494) SOCI/ANTH 112 (3 hrs) Lower level
Health and Human Development (DSST 508) EDUC 106 (3 hrs) Lower level
History of the Soviet Union (DSST 471) HIST 392 (3 hrs) Lower level
Human Resource Mgmt (DSST 530) MGMT 261 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to Business (DSST 543) MGMT 150 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to Geography (DSST 304) GEOG 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to Geology (DSST 303) GEOL 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to Law Enforcement (DSST 497) SOCI 321 (3 hrs) Lower level
Introduction to World Religions (DSST 496) RELI 101 (3 hrs) Lower level
Lifespan Developmental Psychology (DSST 490) PSYC 330 (3 hrs) Upper level
Management Information Systems (DSST 551) MGMT 393 (3 hrs) Lower level
Math for Liberal Arts (DSST 300) MATH 110 (3 hrs) Lower level
Money and Banking (DSST 548) FINC 395 (3 hrs) Upper level
Organizational Behavior (DSST 531) MGMT 362 (3 hrs) Lower level
Personal Finance (DSST 550) FINC 298 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Advanced English Composition (DSST 301) ENGL 107 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Finance (DSST 524) FINC 350 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Public Speaking (DSST 815, 823) COMM 110 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Statistics (DSST 450) MATH 250 (3 hrs) Lower level
Principles of Supervision (DSST 532) MGMT 144 (3 hrs) Lower level
Substance Abuse (DSST 495) HUMS 380 (3 hrs) Lower level
Technical Writing (DSST 820) ENGL 204 (3 hrs) Lower level
The Civil War and Reconstruction (DSST 483) HIST 342 (3 hrs) Lower level

1Free electives allow your college credit to be transferred without needing to be a directly equivalent course. Course codes using 144 indicate lower level free electives. Course codes using 444 indicate upper level free electives.

The minimum scores reflected here are equivalent to a grade of B.

Test Form  Dantes Exam  Columbia College Equivalencies  Credit Hours  Minimum Score for MBA Prereq 
DSST 524 Principles of Finance FINC 350 3 lower level 53 or 434
DSST 525 Principles of Financial Accounting ACCT 280 (1/1/90-10/1/12) 3 lower level 55 or 434

The minimum scores reflected here are equivalent to a grade of B.

Test Form Dantes Exam  Columbia College Equivalencies  Credit Hours  Minimum Score for MSCJ Prereq*
DSST 498
Criminal Justice
CJAD 101 (01/01/90 - 12/31/12) 3 upper level 54
CJAD 101 & CJAD 144 (01/01/13 - 05/31/17) 6 lower level 434 or 54
CJAD 101 (06/01/17 - Present) 3 lower level
DSST 497
Introduction to Law Enforcement 
CJAD 101 (01/01/90 - 12/31/97) 3 lower level 52
CJAD 101 (01/01/98 - 09/31/12) 3 upper level 434 or 52

Students who have attended Defense Language Institute and participated in the Defense Language Proficiency Testing may submit an official transcript for evaluation of transfer credit. The transcript must also be accompanied by a DLPT score report.

If the DLPT exam is listed on a Joint Services Transcript (JST), and the ACE credit recommendation is listed on the transcript as well, we can evaluate directly from the JST. An additional DPLT transcript and score report do not need to be requested.

Columbia College awards credit for Defense Language Institute's Exams based on the ACE Recommended credit hours.

Columbia College Course Equivalencies

First 6 hours of Lower Level (Division) Credit Recommendations are awarded LANG2 101 an LANG2 102 (e.g. SPAN 101 & SPAN 102).

Any Additional Lower Level (Division) Hours are awarded LANG2 144 (e.g. SPAN 144).

Any Upper Level (Division) Credit Recommendations are awarded LANG2 444 (e.g. SPAN 444).

2The LANG prefix is used here as a placeholder for the actual foreign language course equivalency prefix (e.g. SPAN, GERM); "LANG" is simply an abbreviation for "language," and is not a course equivalency prefix.

Transfer Graduate Credit

Students may request to transfer graduate credit from courses taken at another institution within the past seven years. Students must first petition the appropriate graduate program coordinator. Petitions must include an official course description from the transferring college catalog and course syllabus.

Petitions for consideration of transfer credit must be made prior to the successful completion of 12 hours of graduate coursework at Columbia College. A maximum of nine semester hours, with grades of "B" or higher, may be transferred. In all instances, the culminating experience must be completed at Columbia College.

Students who are admitted to a Columbia College graduate program and who wish to take courses at another college or university while pursuing a graduate degree at Columbia College must first obtain written permission for the transfer of these courses from the appropriate graduate program coordinator.

Full admission to a graduate program must be secured before graduate transfer credit will be considered.

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