To participate in The Pitch, submit your creative, innovative idea that solves a real problem for a market that is large and growing.
Business ideas are preferred to be from student entrepreneurs who are in the early stages of their startup, but may also be conceptual and in development. Ideas may have a social purpose but should be based on a for-profit business model. All currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate Columbia College students are eligible to apply. Currently registered status is also required to participate in The Pitch Competition.
Up to 10 of the best student ideas will be selected to work with our coaches in developing a business plan and presentation for The Pitch Competition. If you or your team is selected as one of the finalists, you may have to go through a standard background check.
To make it to the stage, you must develop a well-written and strategically formulated plan, and a rock star presentation. You’ll have help from our coaches along the way. These are professional individuals with years of experience starting, building, financing, and managing firms. In January and February you will develop and fine-tune your plan and pitch to make you a strong contender for the top award of $2,000.
You may submit more than one idea. If you are submitting more than one idea, you must complete one application per idea. All applications must be submitted by filling out the online application form. If selected, you or your team will only present the idea accepted by the selection committee. You may not take someone else's idea and/or intellectual property and submit as your own. Please obtain all necessary consents. Ideas may be submitted individually or as a team.