Bachelor's in Forensic Science

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Why Study Forensic Science? 

Our immersive program goes far beyond police work, bringing together the disciplines of biology, chemistry, criminal justice and law to prepare you to lead the charge in this exciting and fast-growing field. You’ll learn hands-on applications of scientific principles, as well as the ins and outs of related professions like law, criminal justice, and communications. 

What You'll Learn 

Our industry-leading curriculum advances your knowledge of forensic science and opens doors to many career options. The experts in our well-respected, cross-disciplinary program help students build skills and real-world experience for work in a crime laboratory as well as in the field. Some of the specialty areas students can focus on include physical evidence, DNA, toxicology, latent prints and questioned documents.

Program Details

A Bachelor’s degree prepares you for a rising career and for future graduate study by emphasizing clear communication, critical thinking, and a leading-edge understanding of your chosen field. View the core requirements and electives needed to earn a Bachelor's in Forensic Science from Columbia College.

A Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science require slightly different coursework. A Bachelor of Arts allows you to take more classes in the humanities, specifically foreign language. A Bachelor of Science requires more courses specific to your major.

Based on your career objectives, you can choose one of these emphases: Chemistry and Biology.  

The Biology emphasis delves into subjects like genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and recombinant DNA technology. It also includes courses in statistics to establish a solid foundation in forensic DNA analysis.  

The Chemistry emphasis focuses on organic and inorganic chemistry, quantitative analysis, and instrumental analysis. It encompasses subjects such as forensic chemistry and forensic microscopy, which concentrate on applying various techniques to analyze forensic evidence, illicit drugs, and toxicological specimens.  

Both emphases provide specialized knowledge and skills tailored to different aspects of forensic science, allowing you to pursue your specific interests and career aspirations within the field.

  • Drugs and toxicology 
  • Fingerprint identification 
  • Explosives chemistry 
  • DNA analysis 
  • Evidence analysis 
  • Advanced instrumentation 
  • Expert testimony

Pair your degree with a related minor or explore your other interests without taking on a full course load.

Careers & Outcomes

With a degree in Forensic Science, you will be equipped to excel in a diverse range of forensic science fields, utilizing your expertise to contribute to the investigation and resolution of crimes.

Where You Can Take Classes

At Columbia College, our flexible options make it easy to adapt to changing circumstances and pursue your education wherever life takes you. Many of our degrees are offered 100% online. If you prefer a traditional classroom experience, you can attend selected classes at our nationwide locations or at our main campus in Columbia, Missouri. Students at all locations will engage with multiple learning methods, including online and virtual while completing their degree.

Classes Available In Seat

Day Campus - Columbia, MO

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them — that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.