Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy - Employee


Columbia College ("College") is concerned about the health and well-being of its employees and is also committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for its students and employees. Accordingly, the College prohibits the illegal use, possession, sale, and distribution of drugs and alcohol. This policy provides guidance regarding drug and alcohol testing. For additional information and available resources, please see the College's complete policy regarding alcohol and drugs.


This policy applies to all prospective employees who apply to be and current employees who are approved CDL drivers at the College. 


The College requires that all employees who are approved drivers with CDL status meet the requirements set out in Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ("FMCSA") Drug/Alcohol Policy in compliance with 49 CFR, Part 382, a copy of which will be provided to all employees subject to this testing. As a result, it is the policy of the College to require all approved drivers with CDL status to submit to drug and alcohol screening. The screening involves pre-employment, random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion and return-to-duty testing requirements. Testing will be conducted by a third-party administrator with Columbia College drivers added to a consortium maintained and administered by the third-party for purposes of random testing. Refusing and/or testing positive for drugs or alcohol will result in suspension of driving privileges and further discipline up to and including termination of employment.

Columbia College's Human Resources Department reserves the right, upon a finding of reasonable suspicion, to require an employee to undergo a third party drug and/or alcohol screening test at the College's direction.

College employees who are reportedly injured during employment are required to submit to and undergo a third party drug and/or alcohol screening test at the College's direction.

The College shall pay all actual costs for drug and/or alcohol screening tests as required under this policy. All employee alcohol and/or drug screening test records and results are considered confidential and will be maintained in a secure manner by the Human Resources Department.

FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse 

In addition to the drug and alcohol screenings, and in accordance with federal regulation 49 CFR 382.701, the College is required to do a pre-employment query on prospective CDL employees and an annual query on all current CDL employees for drug and alcohol violations using the FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (“Clearinghouse”). Additional information about the Clearinghouse, including information on the query process

In order for the College to complete limited queries through the Clearinghouse, a consent form must be signed and dated by the employee and retained by the College. The consent form can be found here: General Consent for Limited Queries

If a limited query returns a response indicated that any information about that employee exists in the Clearinghouse, then the College must conduct a full query to determine whether the information shows that the employee is eligible to continue driving for the College. 

Failure to Comply with this Policy 

Any individual who refuses to undergo a drug and/or alcohol screening test or who refuses to consent to queries through the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse at the College’s direction consistent with this policy will not be allowed to drive for the College and shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.  Any individual who tests positive for illicit, illegal and/or un-prescribed drugs or alcohol shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Employees by virtue of their employment at the College agree to consent to the testing set forth in this policy. Any individual whose query through the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse shows a positive report, shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment.


Questions about this policy or anything set forth herein should be directed to Human Resources. 

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