Student Immunization Policy


The purpose of this policy is to define immunization requirements for students attending the Day Campus in Columbia, Missouri and to protect the health of the college community.


This policy applies to all newly admitted, readmitted or non-degree seeking students who attend the Day Campus in Columbia, Missouri (to include students living both on and off campus).

Note that students living in the residential halls may have additional requirement(s) related to immunizations.


Pursuant to best practices established by the American College Health Association (ACHA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following are the minimum requirements for newly admitted, readmitted or non-degree seeking students attending the College's Day Campus.

1. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Immunization Requirement. All students attending the Day Campus in Columbia, Missouri must comply with the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) immunization policy, which requires two (2) vaccinations (this requirement is waived if student was born before December 31, 1956). Compliance requires that each student provide proof of immunization for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).

  • Examples of acceptable medical documents include (1) copies of personal immunization records, (2) copies of physician office of Health Department immunization records, (3) copies of high school or previous college immunization records, or (4) copies of medical records from a personal health provider or hospital.
  • If immunization documentation cannot be found, the student needs to either (1) repeat the immunization, or (2) provide documentation of blood titer results showing immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR).

2. Tuberculosis Screening. All students attending the Day Campus in Columbia, Missouri must complete a tuberculosis screening questionnaire. The College's Student Health Services will analyze completed questionnaires and determine if additional testing is needed based on risk (as defined by current CDC recommendations).

Students living in Columbia College residential halls must also provide proof of receipt of the meningococcal meningitis vaccination or sign a waiver indicating they choose not to be immunized against meningococcal meningitis.

It is also recommended that students be immunized against other vaccine-preventable diseases such as, (1) tetanus, (2) diphtheria, (3) polio, (4) chicken pox, (5) hepatitis A, (6) hepatitis B, and (7) influenza.

Day Campus students who do not comply with the immunization requirements by failing to submit all required forms and documentation of immunizations will not be able to register or enroll for classes in subsequent semesters beyond their initial semester of enrollment.

If personal or religious beliefs or specific medical conditions preclude immunization, students must complete the appropriate statement of exemption. In the event of an outbreak (as defined by state public health authorities) and it the interest of well-being, exempted students may be asked to leave campus until the outbreak is over.

To submit your immunization records, dates, and other forms, please go to the Health Portal. Once there, click on the "Verivax" bar to digitally transmit your health records. If "Verivax" is not available for your home state, you can upload your paper or electronic document and manually enter the dates of the appropriate vaccines. Please also sign and submit the Acknowledgement of the Immunization Policy, and complete the TB screening questionnaire within the Health Portal.

Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Columbia College Student Affairs at (573) 875-7400 or email

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