Employer Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance and Tuition Reimbursement have different accounting and up-front payment procedures. Students who receive employer tuition assistance may have the costs of educational expenses paid by their employer through direct billing or through reimbursement. Students should check with their employer to determine which plan is appropriate for them.

Direct Billing

A student whose employer offers direct payment to the college must ensure that the college receives a letter from the employer that authorizes and describes the conditions of such an arrangement. The letter must be on file with the campus and the college’s Business Office.


A student attending under employer reimbursement is required to follow the college’s standard payment policy and then receive reimbursement following the guidelines established by his/her employer. Under either form of tuition assistance, students are responsible for any portion of their educational fees that are not paid by their employers. Students whose employers have contingencies on their payment (such as attaining a certain grade) are required to pay as if they did not have employer tuition assistance and will be reimbursed after the employer makes payment.

If full payment is not possible, students are allowed to request a deferred payment plan.

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them— that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.