Undergraduate Tuition

Your Degree, Without Any Financial Roadblocks or Surprise Fees

That's the promise we make at Columbia College - the price you see is the price you pay, inclusive of all educational fees and book costs.

These rates apply to students who are enrolled full-time (for the first time) as Columbia College students in listed semester.

Full-time Tuition (12-18 credit hours)

Semester 2025-26 Tuition 2024-25 Tuition
Fall $13,942 $13,153
Spring $13,942 $13,153
Total Tuition $27,884 $26,306


Summer Tuition

Degree Level Cost
Undergraduate $375 per credit hour


Over or Part-time Tuition

Number of Credit Hours 2025-26 Tuition 2024-25 Tuition
1-6.0 (part-time) $700 per credit hour $645 per credit hour
6.1-11.9 (part-time) $700 per credit hour $645 per credit hour
Over 18 (overload fee) $700 per credit hour $645 per credit hour

Additional Costs for Nursing Programs

Prior Cost of Attendance for Day Campus

Residential Fees

These rates apply to students living on campus for the listed semester(s)

Residential Hall Fall 2025-26 Cost per Semester Fall 2024-25 Cost per Semester
Banks double room $2,706 $2,627
Hughes double room $2,895 $2,757
Hughes Haven $3,103 $3,013
New Hall $3,367 $3,177
Cougar Village $3,385 $3,193


Meal Plans

2025-26 Dining Plans

Plan Cost per Semester Cougar Bucks2 Guest Passes
Platinum $2,171 $250 8
Gold $2,116 $150 3
Silver $2,062 $50 3
Commuter and Cougar Village only $1,502 $50 3


2024-25 Dining Plans

Plan Cost per Semester Cougar Bucks2 Guest Passes
Platinum $2,010 $250 8
Gold $1,960 $150 3
Silver $1,910 $50 3
Commuter and Cougar Village only $1,366 $50 3

2Cougar Bucks are a dollar equivalence only accepted at Columbia College dining facilities. Cougar Bucks offer Columbia College students a convenient method of paying for goods and services. Cougar Bucks do not rollover from semester to semester, so be sure to use them all up before the semester ends.


Other Fees

Fee Type Cost
BSN Program3 $2,000 total
Parking Annual Permit $40
Parking (January to July) $35
Parking (May to July) $30
Insurance: mandatory for International Students Approximately $1,200 per year

3Bachelor of Science in Nursing students will pay an additional $500 Nursing Program fee in each of the first four semesters of the program ($2,000 total). Fee applies to incoming BSN students prior to Fall 2021.

Paying for college is an investment in yourself and your future. Columbia College makes earning an associate or bachelor’s degree affordable with tuition that is half the national average of private non-profit colleges. We provide books at no cost to you so you can budget without any surprises.

You are viewing rates for all 2024-25 and 2025-26 undergraduate programs and certificates that you can earn online or in-seat at any of our nationwide locations, including our evening program in Columbia and virtual.

Online And In-seat Courses

Degree Level Cost
Standard undergraduate rate $375 per credit hour
Standard partnership discount $318.75 per credit hour (15% tuition discount off standard undergraduate rate)
Audit tuition $250 per credit hour


View additional nursing costs

Military-Affiliated Benefit Rates/Discounts

Eligibility Fall 2024-25 Cost per Semester
Currently serving1 military member $2504 per credit hour
Spouse/dependent2 of currently serving military member $250 per credit hour
CC-affiliated installation3 employee $250 per credit hour
Spouse/dependent2 of CC-affiliated installation employee $318.75 per credit hour (15% tuition discount off standard undergraduate rate)
Veteran $375 per credit hour (unless eligible for a separate rate/discount)


1 Currently serving: A member of the United States Armed Forces (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force) that is currently serving whether on Active Duty, Guard, or Reserve status. Members of the Guard and Reserve must be drilling members or on active duty. Service members that are in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) are not considered as currently serving for purposes of the Military-Affiliated Benefit.
2 Dependents must be under the age of 25 prior to the first day of the semester to be eligible to receive the dependent benefit.
3 Installation employees, their spouses and dependents of these installations are eligible for the new Military-Affiliated Benefit.
4 Columbia College provides a military grant to cover the cost of books.
Charge Type Cost
CLEP & DSST administration charge $25
Transcript $10

If applicable, an NSF Bank charge of $25 and/or a late payment charge of $29 may apply to your account.


Upon registration, all students are required to pay the entire balance of their accounts (after financial aid awards are considered) or enroll in a deferred payment plan.

Timely payment of tuition is required to continue your attendance at the College. If unforeseen circumstances occur that preclude you from paying in a timely fashion, please contact the Center for Student Success office.

We honor Employer Tuition AssistanceMilitary Tuition Assistance (MTA) and V.A. Vocational Rehabilitation. We also encourage students to apply for financial assistance. 

Outstanding Balance From A Previous Session

Until the balance is paid, the student will not be allowed to:

  • Register for any subsequent semester
  • Obtain a transcript of academic work
  • Apply for a residence hall room
  • Obtain their diploma

Each semester's charges are due in full at the time of registration. Arrangements may be made to use a deferred payment plan.

For more in-depth information about tuition and fees, read the Tuition and Fees section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Leave of Absence

If main campus students withdraw or take a leave of absence from Columbia College, they may be eligible for a tuition adjustment.

Deferred Payment Plan

If a student needs to pay educational expenses in installments, a deferred payment plan may be arranged. Due dates and more detailed information for payment plans are available upon registration.

Any payment not made by the due date is subject to a late payment charge. All students not paying in full upon registration are required to sign a deferred payment contract through epayment. Read the Deferred Payment Policy.

Half The Cost Details

Tuition for Columbia College online undergraduate courses is $375 per credit hour for the 2019-2020 academic year. Based on a completion of 30 credit hours in an academic year, the annual cost would be $11,250. This is about half the cost or less than the national average private nonprofit tuition and fees rate. National average tuition and fees for public, private nonprofit and for-profit colleges and universities are published in the CollegeBoard Trends in College Pricing report.

because a future built by you is a future built for you.

Too many people have been made to feel that higher education isn’t a place for them— that it is someone else’s dream. But we change all that. With individualized attention and ongoing support, we help you write a new story for the future where you play the starring role.