Scholarships for Traditional Students

Automatic Merit Based Awards for Freshmen

Columbia College aims to provide financial aid packages that meets the needs of our students.

  • Scholarships are awarded to both U.S. and international students.
  • Scholarships are awarded based on academic merit and other varying factors.
  • All Columbia College scholarships and grants are awarded based on availability of funds
  • Athletic scholarships may only be combined with merit scholarships.

For questions or information regarding additional funding opportunities, please contact your enrollment counselor at

Incoming Freshman

Automatic Merit-Based Scholarships

Merit scholarships are based on a sliding scale and determined by academic achievement. Students should submit their high school transcripts and a test score to be reviewed for the highest possible scholarship. If no test score available, then we will consider GPA alone up to CC Distinction level.

The FAFSA, while highly encouraged, is not required for review for scholarships.

Cumulative GPA range
4.00-3.90 3.85-3.80 3.75-3.60 3.55-3.40 3.35-3.20 3.15-3.10 3.05-3.0 2.95-2.80 2.75-2.50 2.45-2.40 2.35-2.25
ACT range 32-36 Up to $13,000 $11,000 $9,000
30-31 $13,000 $11,000 $9,000 $7,000
29-28 $13,000 Up to $11,000 $9,000 $7,000
27 $11,000 $9,000 $7,000
26 $11,000 $9,000 $7,000
25 $11,000 Up to $9,000 $7,000
24 $11,000 $9,000 $7,000
23 $9,000 $7,000
22 $9,000 Up to $7,000 $4,000
21 $9,000 $7,000 $4,000
20 $9,000 $7,000 $4,000
19 $9,000 $7,000 $4,000
18 $9,000 $7,000 Up to $4,000
17 $9,000 $7,000 $4,000
16 $9,000 $7,000 $4,000


CC Excellence Scholarship

CC Distinction Scholarship

CC Achievement Scholarship

CC Recognition Scholarship

Navy & Silver Award

GPA-only Scholarships

Students may be eligible for scholarships based on admitted students’ high school GPA

Scholarship name GPA
CC Distinction Scholarship 3.73 and over
CC Achievement Scholarship 3.22 - 3.72
CC Recognition Scholarship 2.76 - 3.21
Navy & Silver Award 2.75 and below

Merit-Based Freshman Scholarships Overview


Annual value: $13,000
Four-year value: $52,000

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • Completing 27 credits per academic year
  • Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75
  • Not exceeding four years[1] ( eight semesters) of scholarship support

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

1Four-year value is potential total dollar amount at the end of four years, if scholarship renewal requirements are met each year. Appeals may be made for a fifth year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.


Annual value: $11,000
Four-year value: $44,000

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • completing 27 credits per academic year
  • maintaining minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5
  • have not exceeded fours years[1] ( eight semesters) of scholarship support

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

1Four-year value is potential total dollar amount at the end of four years, if scholarship renewal requirements are met each year. Appeals may be made for a fifth year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.


Annual value: $9,000
Four-year value: $36,000

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • completing 27 credits per academic year
  • maintaining minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.25
  • have not exceeded fours years[1] ( eight semesters) of scholarship support

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

1Four-year value is potential total dollar amount at the end of four years, if scholarship renewal requirements are met each year. Appeals may be made for a fifth year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.


Annual value: $7,000
Four-year value: $28,000

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • completing 27 credits per academic year
  • maintaining minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00
  • have not exceeded fours years[1] ( eight semesters) of scholarship support

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

1Four-year value is potential total dollar amount at the end of four years, if scholarship renewal requirements are met each year. Appeals may be made for a fifth year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.


Annual value: $4,000
Four-year value: $16,000

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • completing 27 credits per academic year
  • maintaining satisfactory academic progress
  • have not exceeded fours years[1] ( eight semesters) of scholarship support

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

1Four-year value is potential total dollar amount at the end of four years, if scholarship renewal requirements are met each year. Appeals may be made for a fifth year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.

Competitive Scholarships

Awarded during Scholarship Day to new incoming freshmen. Students must be admitted with a minimum 3.0 High School GPA to compete. Fall semester start only.

New freshman competitive scholarships for 2023-2024
Scholarship name Annual award amount(s) Four-year value
Presidential Scholarship $24,806 (annual full tuition) $99,224
Provost Scholarship $18,605 (75% annual tuition) $74,420
Diversity Excellence Award Varies Varies
First Generation Achievement Award Varies Varies
Outstanding Leadership & Service Award Varies Varies

Transfer Scholarships

Automatic Merit-Based Transfer Scholarships

Merit scholarships for transfer students are based on availability of funds and determined by cumulative GPA or all post-high school credit completed. New transfer students coming to Columbia College after having successfully completed at least 24 college credits. Students should submit all college transfer credits to be reviewed for the highest possible scholarship.

The FAFSA, while highly encouraged, is not required for review for scholarships.

2023-2024 Merit-Based Incoming Transfer Scholarship Overview

Number of renewal years for each of these scholarships is based on the number of college credit hours accumulated by the student prior to starting in the Day program (earned post high school completion). Appeals may be made for a three-year renewal, dependent on major & other holistic factors.

  • Less than 30 semester hours: 6 maximum semester of renewal
  • 30 to 59.9 semester hours: 4 maximum semester of renewal
  • 60 or more semester hours: 2 maximum semester of renewal


Annual value: $11,000

Eligibility Criteria

3.75 cumulative transfer GPA & 24 or more transferable college credit hours

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • Completing 27 credits per academic year
  • Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50
  • Number of renewal years is based on the number of hours admitted, not the total number of completed college credit hours

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition



Annual value: $9,000

Eligibility Criteria

3.00 cumulative transfer GPA & 24 or more transferable college credit hours

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • Completing 27 credits per academic year
  • Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.25
  • Number of renewal years is based on the number of hours admitted, not the total number of completed college credit hours

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition


Annual value: $7,000

Eligibility Criteria

2.50 cumulative transfer GPA & 24 or more transferable college credit hours

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • Completing 27 credits per academic year
  • Maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00
  • Number of renewal years is based on the number of hours admitted, not the total number of completed college credit hours

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition


Annual value: $3,500

Eligibility Criteria

Under 2.50 cumulative transfer GPA & 24 or more transferable college credit hours

Automatic Renewal Requirements

  • Maintaining full-time enrollment at Columbia College in a bachelor’s degree program
  • Completing 27 credits per academic year
  • Maintaining good academic standing
  • Number of renewal years is based on the number of hours admitted, not the total number of completed college credit hours

How To Apply

Once you are admitted you’ll automatically be considered for this scholarship. Evaluation for this scholarship is completed shortly after you are admitted, and based on the documents you provided for admission.

Scholarship Designation And Awarding

This scholarship is awarded based on your application for admission:

  • At the beginning of your first term
  • Designated for fall/spring terms
  • Not available for summer
  • Federal financial aid and state aid will be applied to your student account before scholarships (institutional aid).
  • Scholarships (institutional aid) may not exceed the cost of tuition

Additional Columbia College Aid

Students may also be available for additional awards dependent on affiliation, location, talent or other factors. Eligibility for each award varies.

Please note:

  • Institutional aid is stackable but may not exceed the cost of tuition.
  • Renewability years vary based on freshman/transfer status upon admission.
  • Athletic scholarships may only be combined with merit scholarships.
Additional aid based on varying factors and review
Scholarship name Award amount(s) Four-year value
A+ Recognition Award $1,500 $6,000
Alumni Legacy Grant $1,000 $4,000
Disciples of Christ (DOC) Award $1,000 $4,000
Music/Art Talent Award $1,000-2,000 $4,000-8-000
Two-in-Family $500 $2,000


Athletic Aid

This scholarship is selectively awarded by the Athletic Department to a student participating in one of the college’s 17 NAIA athletic programs and eSports. Athletic scholarships may only be combined with merit scholarships.

Columbia College competes in NAIA Division I in men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s golf, men’s and women’s cross-country, men’s and women’s track and field, women’s volleyball, women’s softball, and men’s baseball. In addition, Columbia College also participates in NAIA recognized men’s lacrosse and women’s bowling.

Athletes are eligible for academic merit aid. The FAFSA, while highly encouraged, is not required for review for scholarships.

Varies By Team
Values Renewal Requirements Become a CC Cougar
Varies; value can be up to cost of tuition and room and board. Renewable through the Athletic Department but is signed as a one-year agreement. If you are interested in becoming a Cougar athlete, visit the Columbia Cougars website and complete a "Become a CC Cougar" interest form.


Art/Music Talent Scholarship

The Art/Music Talent Scholarship is available to incoming students committed to majoring or minoring in Art or Music. Students must apply for the award. Athletic scholarships may only be combined with merit scholarships.

Learn more about this opportunity

Need-Based Aid

Need-based aid is institutional aid awarded based on a student’s financial need. The Ivy Grant amount is based on a student’s calculated financial need and can only be applied toward tuition. In order to be considered for this grant, a student must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The student’s student aid index (SAI) will be calculated from the FAFSA. This along with any other Columbia College scholarships and awards, will be used to determine if the student has any unmet need remaining. Athletic scholarships may only be combined with merit scholarships.

Federal & State Financial Aid

Federal and state financial aid may also be available to students. In order to consider eligibility for this aid, a student must file the FAFSA. As noted in each scholarship section, federal financial aid & state aid will be applied to your student account before institutional aid.

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